The Trustees of LAMB Health 2023
Back row from left: Richard Todd, Christine Edwards, Rosemary Croft, Vikki Ford-Powell, John Ayrton
Front row from left: Judith Hansford, Mike Mitchell
Richard Todd first visited LAMB in 2004 to help finance staff, as he was an accountant.
He continued as a recurrent short termer for seven years moving on from finance to a broader role. Although not medical, Richard became familiar with a range of LAMB's activities. In particular he visited local communities where he oversaw the use of a DfID grant. In 2005 Richard joined the trustees and became treasurer.
Judith Hansford lived and worked in North East Bangladesh for 5 years in the 1980s. Her work experience is in scientific research and teaching English to Internationals. She became a trustee in ? and visited LAMB in 2011. She is currently the trustees' secretary.
Mike Mitchell is a long-term resident of Tower Hamlets, home to the largest Bangladeshi community in the UK, making up 32% of the population (2018 borough profile). He heard about LAMB through his local church supporting a church member who worked as a mother and child doctor at LAMB for over a decade.Mike became a trustee in 2016 and has helped with a variety of admin focused tasks. He visited LAMB with two other trustees in February 2020, just before the first Covid lockdown.
Rosemary Croft lived with her family in Bangladesh in the mid 1980s & 1990s and worked at LAMB for some of this time. She continues to visit every few years, and most recently visited at the end of 2022 through to mid-January 2023. She is now retired but worked for 20 years as a GP in Reading and is a member of an Anglican church in Reading. She is currently Chair of trustees.
Christopher Roy (Rinku) was born in LAMB hospital, Bangladesh and grew up in and around LAMB. After graduating at Dhaka Medical School, he worked at LAMB as a junior doctor. Now living in Plymouth, he is training to be a surgeon.
John Ayrton first got to know LAMB when he worked with Interserve in the UK between 1987 and 2007, making a number of visits during that period. He was Minister of Portswood Church in Southampton from 2007 and 2020 during which time he joined LAMB Health as a Trustee. He’s now retired and last visited Bangladesh in February 2020. John is married with 3 grown up children and 5 grand-children, all under 10.
Christine Edwards is an obstetrician & gynaecologist, currently based in Gloucester after having worked at LAMB for 17 years. She continues to visit regularly, working with the Women's Health team with a particular focus on the prevention and treatment of obstetric fistula.