LAMB as a whole costs about £1,200,000 a year to run. Some of this has been funded by international donors, but the level of major grants varies and provides no security for the longer term. LAMB charges for its services where possible and obtains income locally from training Government and NGO health workers, technical assistance and consultancy work. However LAMB’s commitment to serve the poor regardless of ability to pay means that it will never recover all its costs.
LAMB Health’s current target is to maintain a level of voluntary donations from the UK of £100K a year (excluding special donations received for capital projects). The Foundation relies on donations from individuals in the UK and some churches and grant-giving trusts. Its small running costs are all met by the Trustees themselves.
Grants for the past five years
Grants to LAMB totalled £133,590
· £125,000 for the Poor Fund
· £8,590 for disability community programme
Grants to LAMB totalled £156,573
· £115,000 for the Poor Fund
· £5,000 for disability gardening project
· £12,373 for medical equipment, primarily an ultrasound
· £8,000 for infrastructure – incinerator and electrical
· £16,200 to extend the ACT project to end of 2023
Grants to LAMB totalled £142,131
· £130,000 for the Poor Fund
· £1,250 for cyclone relief
· £608 for medical equipment
· £10,273 for wall repairs and fire prevention equipment
Grants to LAMB totalled £219,510
· £100,100 for the Poor Fund
· £37,622 for Covid 19 response
· £4,142 for medical equipment
· £77,646 ACT Project
Grants to LAMB totalled £289,400
· £99,000 for the Poor Fund
· £29,400 for disability
· £10,000 for Covid 19 response
· £3,000 for community health
· £73,000 for infrastructure
£75,000 ACT Project