Other ways to give
LH has the following ways of giving, but should you have any questions please contact us.
Online Donations
To ensure that 100% of your donation reaches LH, please donate directly into our bank account. You can find details here.
If you are a UK taxpayer, please fill in and send the Gift Aid Declaration. We can then claim the tax back, adding 25% to the amount of your gift.
Standing Orders
Setting up a standing order is a particularly helpful way of giving, because it enables us to plan ahead knowing that money will continue to come in.
Should you set this up on your personal banking online, we'd appreciate it if you would inform us by email to: rt@lambhealth.org.uk
You can download a hard copy of our Standing Order Form and send it to your bank.
If you are a UK taxpayer, please fill in and send the Gift Aid Declaration. We can then claim the tax back, adding 25% to the amount of your gift.
Alternatively, you can send a cheque, payable to LAMB Health, to LAMB Health, 56A St Peters Road, Reading, RG6 1PH
If you are a UK taxpayer, please fill in and send the Gift Aid Declaration, with your cheque. We can then claim the tax back, adding 25% to the amount of your gift.
Donate by Text
Just text "LHCF01 £XX" to 70070, filling out the amount you'd like to donate, which is limited to £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 and £10.
We receive 100% of all donations by text, as no fees or commissions are charged.
If you're thinking of taking part in a fundraising event; please consider raising funds for LAMB Health and LAMB.